1818 Society British Chapter & DfID
Department for International Development, Whitehall, London

Linda Likar and Robert Clement-Jones have over 50 years of experience in international development between them. Ms Likar was Lead Economist for the 2003 World Development Report, “Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World”, which lead to the development of a training program which was quite different from previous work on the subject of sustainable development. The Clement-Joneses discussed the elements essential for successful institutions and examined the role of inequality as a barrier to development.
The presentation also explained how the training addressed the question of overcoming obstacles and impediments to achieving development goals. The government of China embraced the program at a very senior level and it was used to train staff at the National Development and Reform Committee in China; leaders in the different provinces; and the faculty of public administration of the prestigious Tsinghua university, as well as several other countries.